This article is for WebinarJam and EverWebinar.

WebinarJam Mail is included with your subscription to deliver notifications and reminders configured for your webinars. If you prefer, integrate a third-party SMTP service to manage your mail.

Note: API-based connections are required to track email analytics such as email opens, clicks, bounces, etc.

Configure Your Webinar

To enable the integrated SMTP service:

  1. Open a webinar and go to Notifications > Your Email Gateway
  2. Select Your own SMTP gateway
  3. Save the module

Repeat this process for any additional webinars you want to update. Each time you create a new webinar, select the integrated SMTP service if preferred.

Email Send-from and Reply-to

Emails sent through the integrated SMTP will be sent from the "Sender Email" address specified in the integration connection settings. The sender address will be used as the send-from and reply-to address for all notifications.

Integration sender name

The name registrants will see as the sender for notifications is the webinar host's full name.

The host is set in the webinar configuration wizard, under Configuration > Webinar presenters.

Test the Integration

Note that WebinarJam/EverWebinar cannot check the status of your SMTP account or the validity of the API credentials provided.

To ensure the deliverability of your webinar notifications, provide a valid API key and keep the integrated SMTP account active. The WebinarJam server will send an outbound API request to your integrated provider using the API credentials provided and ask them to deliver an email notification at the appropriate time.

The WebinarJam server does not receive notice of any failure to reach your SMTP service or deliver the messages. In the event of delivery failure, the emails will not be resent, and you will not be notified. Always run a few tests to ensure your configuration is correctly set up.