Release Notes - WebinarJam & EverWebinar
Product Key: WJ = specific to WebinarJam, EW = specific to EverWebinar, WJEW = applies to both services.
- Faster Registrant Export
We’ve improved the performance of the registrant export function, making it quicker and more efficient. (2761 WJEW)
- A registrant’s time in the Live Room is now recorded correctly for each separate webinar session. (2662 WJ)
- The Mute/Unmute attendee feature now correctly hides or displays attendee messages as expected. (2679 WJEW)
- Fixed an issue where some unsubscribed users were still receiving notifications. (2688 WJ)
- Attendee replay time will no longer be recorded as 0:00:00 if they stayed for at least five minutes. (2749 WJEW)
- The registrant list now properly reflects the selected event in the filter, instead of displaying registrants from all events. (2751 WJEW)
- The Unsubscribe Lead button now functions as expected. (2753 WJEW)