• Method: webinar
  • Type: POST
  • Complete URL: https://api.webinarjam.com/everwebinar/webinar

  The request must include all of the required fields, based on the table below:

timezone **GMT-5 or GMT+2 or GMT+4:30

* Required fields

** Required if your webinar timezone is set to “Auto-detect the user’s time zone”.

** For webinars configured to automatically display the schedule in the attendee’s own time zone, the API will automatically convert the time zone to EST if the time zone is not passed to the API call.   The response body will be a JSON object containing a webinar object with the following:

webinar_idintegerWebinar ID
namestringWebinar Name (Private)
titlestringWebinar Title (Public)
webinar_hash ****stringWebinar Hash
Webinar Description
datestringschedulesDate and time of webinar
scheduleintschedulesSchedule ID
commentstringschedulesSchedule description
timezonestringWebinar timezone
namestringpresentersPresenter Name
emailstringpresentersPresenter Email
picturestringpresentersPresenter Image URL
registration_urlstringRegistration URL
registration_typestringpaid / free
registration_feeintRegistration Fee
registration_currency**stringRegistration Currency
registration_checkout_url**stringRegistration Checkout URL
registration_post_payment_url**stringRegistration Post Payment URL
direct_live_room_url***stringDirect URL to the Live room
direct_replay_room_url***stringDirect URL to the Replay room

** This field will be returned only if they are enabled within that particular webinar configuration settings

*** These are generic links to the Live and Replay room, in case you want to send a user directly to those rooms without going through the Registration page

Note: The number of returned schedules will match "Displayed schedules" setting from the EverWebinar schedules configuration for each webinar

**** webinar_hash: this parameter is used in case you want your API to be able to generate the webinar’s one-click registration link.

Example CURL request

curl --data "api_key=demokey&webinar_id=6" https://api.webinarjam.com/everwebinar/webinar

Example return

    "status": "success",
    "webinar": {
        "webinar_id": 6,
        "webinar_hash": "uvw1234",
        "name": "Demo6",
        "title": "Demo6",
        "description": "My automated webinar",
        "schedules": [
                "date": "2024-01-04 12:00",
                "schedule": 54,
                "comment": "Instant replay"
                "date": "2024-01-05 12:00",
                "schedule": 55,
                "comment": "Just in time"
                "date": "2024-01-05 13:00",
                "schedule": 56,
                "comment": "Every day, 01:00 PM"
        "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
        "presenters": [
                "name": "John Doe",
                "email": "john.doe@gmail.com",
                "picture": "https://test.s3.amazonaws.com/default_user.jpg"
        "registration_url": "https://event.webinarjam.com/register/6/uvw1234",
        "registration_type": "free",
        "registration_fee": 0,
        "registration_currency": "",
        "registration_checkout_url": "",
        "registration_post_payment_url": "",
        "direct_live_room_url": "https://event.webinarjam.com/go/live/6/uvw1234ab12",
        "direct_replay_room_url": "https://event.webinarjam.com/go/replay/6/uvw1234ab12"