Release Notes - WebinarJam & EverWebinar

Product Key: WJ = specific to WebinarJam, EW = specific to EverWebinar, WJEW = applies to both services.


  • [Live room] Feel confident when relaunching your webinar! We’ve added an alert that informs you the most recent recording will be used for the replay if you're restarting a session that already has a recording saved. This helps you manage tests and live events without worrying about replay accuracy. (2181 WJ)
  • [Dashboard] Clearer messaging when your webinar dashboard fails to load. If your events can’t be loaded due to an interrupted connection or timeout, you’ll now see a prompt to reload instead of just an empty account. (2346 WJEW)


  • Languages display fully on registration forms. No more clipped translations! We’ve updated the layout on registration forms so that Lithuanian and other translations fit properly without cutting off text. (1730 WJEW)
  • iContact API data is now validated correctly. We’ve improved validation for the iContact API integration. Some users were receiving errors when inputting correct credentials, but this issue has now been resolved to ensure smoother connectivity. (2388 WJEW)
  • Fixed error for Panamanian users accessing profiles. Users in Panama can now access their account profiles without issue. We resolved a field validation error that prevented the profile from loading. (2335 WJEW)
  • Whiteboard content now stays visible after room design changes. Your whiteboard notes are safe! We’ve implemented additional checks to ensure whiteboard content remains displayed even if you change the live room design during a broadcast. (2281 WJ)
  • Arabic language flag corrected. The correct Saudi Arabian flag is now displayed in language dropdowns when Arabic is selected. (2134 WJEW)
  • Fullscreen button on mobile replays fixed. Now you can go fullscreen any time! We’ve fixed an issue that caused the fullscreen button to disappear on mobile devices when replay controls were disabled. (1991 WJEW)
  • Pending chat pagination fixed in EverWebinar. Feel free to multitask! We fixed an issue where the wrong page number was highlighted in the pending chats management screen after switching browser tabs. Now, the correct page is always displayed. (1815 EW)