Turn on split testing for your WebinarJam and EverWebinar registration pages to see what page designs get the most registrants.

What is split testing?

Split testing, also known as A/B testing, is a method used to compare two versions of a webpage to see which one performs better in terms of a specific goal—in your case, getting people to sign up for a webinar.

Here’s a simple way to understand it:

  1. Create Two Versions: Select and customize two different versions of your webinar registration page. Let’s call them version A and B.
  2. Split Your Audience: Randomly show Page A to half of your visitors and Page B to the other half. This way, you can see how each version performs with a similar audience.
    • WebinarJam and EverWebinar let you easily configure two versions of a registration page and choose the percentage of visitors that should be shown each one.
  3. Measure the Results: Track how many people sign up for the webinar from each page. This is your "conversion rate."
  4. Compare: Look at the conversion rates for both pages. The page with the higher conversion rate is the more effective one.

For example, if 100 people visit Page A and 10 sign up, the conversion rate is 10%. If 100 people visit Page B and 15 sign up, the conversion rate is 15%. In this case, Page B is the better-performing page.

Pro tip

The versions you test against each other should have one key difference, like different headlines, sign-up button colors, or type of registration form (bar, button, form, etc). By keeping the difference between the versions small, you can more easily understand which element of the page contributes to a higher registration rate.

You can also split-test two full template designs against each other, selecting from any of the options available in the webinar setup wizard. Just keep in mind that the more differences there are between the two versions in your test, the harder it will be to understand why one version performs better than the other.

By split testing, you can make informed decisions about which page design helps you get more webinar registrants.

Split test webinar registration pages

To split test your registration pages, open or create a new webinar:

  1. Go to the Registration step of the webinar wizard and open Registration page design

    Registration page split testing

  2. Select Enable split-testing at the top of the module. An A/B toggle and percentage fields appear.
    • Enter a percentage in the B percentage field. The A percentage automatically updates so the sum of both fields equals 100%.
  3. Use the toggle to switch between A and B versions for editing. 
    • With the toggle set to A, hover over a template and click Customize to edit it. Exit the page builder when Page A is finished.
    • Click the toggle to change to the B version. Hover over another template (it can be the same as the A selection) and click Customize to edit it. Exit the page builder when Page B is finished.
  4. Save the Registration page design module and finish your webinar setup

Get the registration page link from Your Links to send people to the split test. When people click the single registration link, they will randomly see either version A or B. Learn how to find your registration link.

Change or update an A/B page version

If you need to make changes to either page version, go back to the Registration page design module in the webinar setup and use the toggle to select the version you want to edit.

  1. Hover over the page design marked with the matching version and click Customize to edit the existing selection.

    Toggle to select a version, then open it for editing
  2. To change the version to a different page design completely, hover over the template you want to switch to and click Customize. Edit the page and exit the builder when you are finished. The new template will now be marked with the version letter in the main module view.

Important: The A/B toggle is used to select a version for editing. Changes made while the toggle is in the A position will update version A, and the same for the B position. When editing, always set the toggle first, then open the page for editing. This will ensure that your edits are applied to the correct version.

Review split test results

Important: Split test analytics cannot track visitors or the sign-up rate on an external registration page. To use WebinarJam's split testing tool, select template pages for both A and B versions in your webinar settings.

Go to Analytics and select your webinar and session to see the results.

  • The split test section shows the number of visits, sign-ups, and total registrants recorded for each version of the registration page.
  • The page with the higher sign-up rate is generally considered the winner.

Learn more about webinar analytics