This article is for WebinarJam and EverWebinar.

WebinarJam Mail is the sending service for both WebinarJam and EverWebinar events. This article applies to all webinar event types.

The sender details for each notification or reminder email sent from your account reflect the name and email address of the primary host presenter for each event. These details appear in the “envelope” for your message in a recipient’s inbox so they can see who a message came from.

Take Note

  • Learn more about customizing the email sender details
  • Custom domain addresses must be authenticated to ensure deliverability and keep your messages out of the spam folder. If you use WebinarJam Mail as your sending gateway, you can start the authentication process in your WebinarJam account.
  • If you use an integrated SMTP to send your webinar notifications, start the DKIM setup in your SMTP account.

Sending domains that have not been authenticated will prompt a warning message in your webinar configuration when you save a host with a custom email domain.

Example of an unauthenticated custom domain warning (image below).

Webinar host with unauthenticated sending domain

Example of the notifications step of a webinar setup with the DKIM warning (image below).

Notifications step in the webinar wizard with a DKIM error

Authenticate Your Domains

  1. Go to the Integrations > DKIM settings in your account profile to add your sending domains and start the authentication process.
  2. Follow the Sender Authentication Checklist to complete each of the steps needed to secure and authenticate your domain. The process will take approximately 24 hours to set up, propagate, and test.

Warning: You can check the “Okay, I understand that my emails will have low deliverability” box to dismiss the DKIM warning and add your custom sender domain without authenticating it.

Doing this will significantly impact the delivery rates for your webinar notifications and reminders and may hurt your sender reputation.

Bypassing authentication is not recommended.