This article is for WebinarJam and EverWebinar.

View analytics for each webinar you present, so you can understand how well your message is performing.

Launch WebinarJam or EverWebinar to see analytics for each type of webinar.

  • Click Analytics in the left-side menu
  • Select a Webinar, Session(s), and Event(s) from the drop-down fields


Webinar traffic analytics

Traffic analytics show:

  • Total visitors to your registration page (WebinarJam-hosted or custom)
  • Percentage of visitors who became registrants (sign-up rate)
  • Total registrants for the webinar
  • Total registrants who attended the broadcast during its scheduled time
  • Total registrants who attended the replay
  • Percentage of registrants who attended each viewing (show-up rate)

Pro tip

  • Hover over each statistic in the traffic graph to see the analytics divided by device type: computer, phone, tablet, or unknown.
  • The number of registrants may be higher than the number of visitors to the registration page if some people are registered through one-click registration or auto-subscription.

Split tests

Split test analytics example

Split test analytics show:

  • Total visitors to each version of your registration page (A or B)
  • Percentage of visitors who became registrants through each version of the page.
    • The page with the higher sign-up rate is generally considered the winner.
  • Total registrants gained from each version of the page

Split testing must be enabled for your webinar's registration page design to see this analytics module. Learn how to use split testing.

Important: Split test analytics cannot track visitors or the sign-up rate on an external registration page. To use WebinarJam's split testing tool, select registration template pages for both A and B versions in your webinar settings.


Webinar engagement analytics chart

Engagement analytics show Live Webinar and Replay statistics separately:

  • Total number of attendees who entered the webinar room
  • Total length of the webinar session
  • Average length of time any one attendee stayed in the room
  • Percentage of attendees who watched the whole webinar
  • Average user rating and number of ratings given for the webinar

No. of attendees graph: Number of attendees in the room at a given time during the webinar (shown at 5-minute intervals).


Monetization analytics show:

  • Registration fees (if the event was a paid webinar)
  • Sales from the live room (if a product offer was shown)
  • Sales from the replay room (if a product offer was shown)

Sales conversion is the percentage of attendees who made a product purchase. People who registered but did not attend are excluded from the conversion percentage.

Earnings per attendee is the total revenue generated during the broadcast divided by the total number of attendees. For example: $100 earned divided by 50 attendees would equal $2 earned per attendee.

Pro tip

To track revenue for an event, some advanced configurations are required. Learn more:


Notification email click and open rates

Notification analytics show:

  • How many times a message was sent
  • How many recipients opened each email
  • How many times a link in each message was clicked

The blue reset icon resets all email statistics to zero. Be careful: This cannot be undone.