Google & Yahoo Email Updates for 2024 - January 22, 2024

Watch the replay above to join the WebinarJam Team for an informative webinar guiding you through the upcoming changes for email services affecting WebinarJam users.

As of February 1, 2024, Google and Yahoo are implementing new rules to enhance email security and reduce spam. As a business, it will be crucial to stay informed and be prepared for these changes to ensure the seamless delivery of your client and prospect emails.

User Guide: Follow the Email Sender Authentication checklist to start authenticating your domains!

In this video:

  • 00:00 Introduction and slide presentation
  • 11:02 Adding DKIM to WebinarJam with DNS walkthrough
  • 20:15 Discussing DMARC and reporting
  • 22:05 Monitoring DMARC with Valimail demo
  • 23:52 Adding DMARC with DNS walkthrough
  • 26:30 Reviewing the domain entry and reports in Valimail
  • 27:45 Confirming DKIM success in WebinarJam
  • 28:20Webinar presenter DKIM warning
    • Note: The DKIM alert was temporarily offline during this webinar. See Email DKIM warning for details about this function.
  • 30:37 Monitoring your domain with Google Postmaster Tools (Bonus info!)
  • 33:52 A look at real domain performance in Postmaster Tools
  • 37:42 Q&A Session