Release Notes - WebinarJam & EverWebinar

Product Key: WJ = specific to WebinarJam, EW = specific to EverWebinar, WJEW = applies to both services.


  • Improved Registration Time Zone Selector

    Selecting a time zone just got easier! The dropdown in registration forms now includes GMT offsets (e.g., “+3”) and a search bar, so registrants can find their time zone by offset or city name. (2226 WJEW)

  • Cleaner Display for Webinar Sessions List
    The Webinars Dashboard now displays up to three sessions per webinar by default, reducing clutter and improving navigation. Click “Show more” to expand the list and “Show less” to collapse it again. (2155 WJEW)


  • We fixed an issue that caused attendee counts to display incorrectly for some EverWebinar events. (2094 EW)
  • When you change a presenter’s name after creating the webinar, the name is now also automatically updated on the Countdown page. (2453 WJ)
  • Guests granted Administrative access through the Attendee spotlight feature can now access slide show controls as intended. (2569 WJ)
  • When using the EverWebinar Control Panel, moderators will no longer see outdated “On air” status, chat messages, or attendee counts from previous live sessions. (2570 EW)
  • We resolved a discrepancy where the “Starts in…” countdown displayed incorrect time left until the event. (2575 WJEW)