Add a tax identification number to your account Profile. Click the profile icon in the top right corner of your account to access it.

Add company name and tax ID number to your account

  1. In the Company field, add the name of your business
  2. Under "Business," select I'm a business customer with a Tax ID
  3. In the Sales tax ID field, add your tax identification number
    • Enter any registered tax ID number in this universal field (VAT, GST, TIN, etc.)
  4. Save your changes in the top right corner of the window

Once added to your account, the sales tax ID appears on all future WebinarJam or EverWebinar subscription invoices. The sales tax ID on an invoice cannot be changed retroactively.

VAT numbers

If your WebinarJam or EverWebinar subscription payments would otherwise be subject to VAT/GST, enter a valid identification number in the Sales tax ID field to suppress the tax (if applicable).

The value entered must match the expected format for a VAT identification number from your country. If validation of the entry is not successful, the error Invalid Tax ID will appear.