Connect third-party services to your account to activate additional email, SMS, and automation capabilities. Integration options are found in your Profile.

Integrations are located in your account profile

Autoresponder integrations

Here you can connect a CRM or Autoresponder service to your webinar profile. A CRM helps to organize registrant information into a list, while an Autoresponder can aid in contacting that list.

SMS integrations

You might want to send your webinar registrants a text message reminder to their mobile phone right before the webinar starts. To that goal, our platform integrates with Twilio, the world-leading SMS text messaging provider.

SMTP integrations

Connect an external SMTP gateway to send the webinar email reminders if you don't want to use the build-in WebinarJam mail service.

DKIM authentication

Authenticate the email address you use as the sender for webinar reminders and notifications to ensure that your messages always get through.

API application

Apply for an API key to integrate a custom application or set up a Zapier connection.