• Method: POST
  • Complete URL: https://api.webinarjam.com/webinarjam/webinars

The request must include all of the required fields, based on the table below:

api_key *string(64)

* Required fields

The response body will be a JSON object containing an array of webinars. Each webinar object will contain:

webinar_idintegerWebinar ID
webinar_hash *stringWebinar Hash
namestringWebinar Name (Private)
titlestringWebinar Title (Public)
descriptionstringWebinar Description
typestringSeries of presentations, Single presentation, Always on, Right now
schedulesarrayArray of schedules
timezonestringWebinar timezone

* webinar_hash: this parameter is used in case you want your API to be able to generate the webinar's one-click registration link.

Example CURL request

curl --data "api_key=demokey" https://api.webinarjam.com/webinarjam/webinars

Example return

    "status": "success",
    "webinars": [
            "webinar_id": 4,
            "webinar_hash": "lmno3456",
            "name": "Demo4",
            "title": "Demo4",
            "description": "Right now",
            "type": "Right Now",
            "schedules": [
                "Right now"
            "timezone": "America/New_York"
            "webinar_id": 3,
            "webinar_hash": "hijk9012",
            "name": "Demo3",
            "title": "Demo3",
            "description": "My always on webinar",
            "type": "Always on",
            "schedules": [
                "Always on"
            "timezone": "America/New_York"
            "webinar_id": 2,
            "webinar_hash": "defg5678",
            "name": "Demo2",
            "title": "Demo2",
            "description": "Description of webinar",
            "type": "Single presentation",
            "schedules": [
                "Friday, 5 Jan 2024, 01:00 PM"
            "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"
            "webinar_id": 1,
            "webinar_hash": "abcd1234",
            "name": "Demo1",
            "title": "Demo1",
            "description": "A series of events",
            "type": "Series of presentations",
            "schedules": [
                "Every day, 01:00 PM",
                "Every Tuesday, 02:00 PM"
            "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"