This article is for WebinarJam and EverWebinar.

Track sales that occur during a webinar by installing a tracking code at the final step of a purchase funnel. The tracking code allows WebinarJam to receive information about a sale from a customer who clicked an offer button in your event.

Visit your webinar analytics to see tracked sales.

You will need:

  • A fully configured webinar with at least one product offer
    • Important: Sales tracking is not retroactive. If the webinar has already run by the time this code is installed, no goal information will be tracked.
  • Access to the source code in the final confirmation page of your purchase funnel
Two events are required to record a sale in the webinar analytics:
  1. An attendee enters your webinar. This adds a tracking cookie to their browser.
  2. They complete a purchase and end up on the page where your goal-tracking code is installed.
The browser cookie and the tracking code together trigger a message to WebinarJam that registers a sale.

Goal Tracking Code

In Webinars, find the webinar you want to track.

  1. Click Advanced > Goal tracking
  2. Copy the offer code

Advanced goal tracking window

Pro tips:
  • Tracking codes are generated when an offer is configured in the webinar. If there is no offer, the tab will be empty.
  • Unique tracking codes are generated for each offer configured. Copy the code and set up tracking for each offer separately.

Configure the Tracking Code

The goal-tracking code contains two customizable parameters:

  • Price: price=0.00
  • Currency: currency=USD

Modify "0.00" in the price parameter to reflect the amount collected in an individual sale. For example, if your product is $40, modify the price parameter to: "price=40.00".

Note: The goal tracking code is designed to record price values for one-time payments. If your pricing model involves a recurring subscription (example $19.00 per month) or a payment plan (example 3 payments of $99), enter a value for the price parameter according to your preference.

Modify "USD" in the currency parameter to reflect the actual purchase currency for your product. Supported currencies include:


If the currency parameter is left blank or contains a value unrecognized by the WebinarJam system, sales analytics default to USD.

Embed the Tracking Code

Embed the sales goal tracking code directly in the checkout confirmation page, where a customer is redirected immediately after completing a payment.

  1. Open the confirmation page source code
  2. Scroll to the very bottom of the source code and locate the </body> tag
  3. Paste the goal tracking code immediately before the </body> tag
    • Pro tip: If your page was created in an application with a visual builder and no clear access to the source code, look for a setting where you can put code in a "footer" field for the page. This option may be found in a tracking or SEO section. If a field is available, paste the goal tracking code in the footer of the page.
  4. Save and publish the page

When a customer with an attendee cookie visits the confirmation page, the tracking code is triggered to send a notice back to WebinarJam. The webinar analytics will register a new sale and add its value to the total revenue generated by the event.

Critical Notes:
  • Browser cookies are used to identify attendees when they enter your webinar room and complete a purchase. This allows a visit to the confirmation page to be attributed correctly to customers who came from your webinar.
  • Cookies are also used to differentiate between sales from the live room and those from the replay room.
  • Suppose a webinar attendee blocks third-party cookies in their browser. In that case, their activity will not be tracked through the purchase process. In this scenario, you may see sales from the event in your checkout system that do not appear in the webinar analytics.

Review Sales Analytics

After the event, check the analytics to see revenue and other monetization metrics.

  1. Go to Analytics
  2. Select a webinar and session from the drop-down fields
  3. Scroll down to Monetization to review:
    • Registration fees (if you charged a fee to attend the webinar)
    • Sales from the live room
    • Sales from the replay room
Pro tip: Review the webinar's attendee log to see sales attributed to specific attendees.