EverWebinar uses a pre-loaded source video as the primary content for a webinar broadcast. The first step of the EverWebinar configuration wizard is to select the source video.

EverWebinar source video

External Video File

Use an external video file to load a production video or a replay from another webinar platform. Supported external hosts are YouTube, Vimeo, and any cloud service that provides a direct MP4 link for playback.

WebinarJam Live Session

Use a previous WebinarJam live session to rebroadcast an event you hosted live in the past. Reusing a previous session from WebinarJam is an easy plug-and-play option that automatically populates many of the settings from the original WebinarJam event (including the chat!) for use in the new automated event.

Pro tips

  • The WebinarJam session must be hosted in the same account as the new EverWebinar event 
  • To import a session, an active WebinarJam subscription is required. Your EverWebinar configuration cannot retrive a session from an inactive WebinarJam catalog.