• Method: POST
  • Complete URL: https://api.webinarjam.com/webinarjam/registrants

The request must include all of the required fields, based on the table below:




int, between 0 and 4

  • 0 - All registrants
  • 1- Attended live session
  • 2 - Did not attend live session
  • 3 - Attended and left before a specific timestamp, with ‘attended_live_timestamp’
  • 4 - Attended and left after a specific timestamp, with ‘attended_live_timestamp

int, between 0 and 4

  • 0 - All registrants
  • 1- Attended replay session
  • 2 - Did not attend replay session
  • 3 - Attended and left before a specific timestamp, with ‘attended_replay_timestamp’
  • 4 - Attended and left after a specific timestamp, with ‘attended_replay_timestamp

int, between 0 and 2

  • 0 - All registrants
  • 1 - Purchased a product
  • 2 - Did not purchase a product
pageint, min: 1
attended_live_timestampint, value in seconds, min: 0
attended_replay_timestampint, value in seconds, min: 0

int, min: 0, max: 8

  • 0 - All Time
  • 1 - Today
  • 2 - yesterday
  • 3 - this week
  • 4 - last week
  • 5 - last 7 days
  • 6 - this month
  • 7 - last month
  • 8 - last 30 days

* Required fields

{+} webinar_id and schedule must be obtained from a previous API call to retrieve the details of whatever specific webinar you want the list of registrants and attendees from.  Also, please note that one particular schedule ID might refer to an entire series of webinars, and thus all individual webinar sessions within the same series will have the same schedule ID. In order to pinpoint the specific individual session within a series, refer to the ‘date_range’ parameter.

Important: The schedule ID must be obtained before the scheduled date and time of the webinar. Once the webinar has concluded, retrieving the schedule ID will no longer be possible. 

The response body will be a JSON object containing a user object with the following:

first_namestringRegistrant’s first name

Registrant’s last name

Registrant’s phone country code
Registrant’s phone number
emailstringRegistrant’s email address
ipstringRegistrant’s IP address
webinarintegerName of the webinar
scheduleintegerSchedule ID associated with the registrant’s chosen date and time
signup_dateintegerDate the registrant signed up for the webinar
attended_liveintegerRegistrant’s live attendance status
date_liveintegerDate when the registrant watched the live webinar
entered_livestringTime to enter the live room
time_livestringTime spent in the live room
purchased_liveintegerRegistrant’s purchase behavior in the live room
revenue_livestringRevenue earned from the registrant’s purchase in the live room
attended_replayintegerRegistrant’s replay attendance status
date_replayintegerDate when the registrant watched the replay webinar
time_replaystringTime spent in the replay room
purchased_replayintegerRegistrant’s purchase behavior in the replay room
revenue_replaystringRevenue earned from the registrant’s purchase in the replay room
subscribedintegerData explaining if the registrant is subscribed to notifications
gdpr_statusintegerRegistrant’s GDPR acceptance status
gdpr_communicationsintegerData explains if the registrant from a GDPR region agreed to receive the webinar notifications
gdpr_status_dateintegerDate when the registrant chose their GDPR status
gdpr_status_ipstringRegistrant’s IP address
utm_sourceintegerSource of the registration, such as Facebook, Instagram, etc.
utm_mediumintegerMedium of the registration, such as email, affiliate, social, etc.
utm_campaignintegerCampaign from which the registration is coming in, such as launch, promotional event, etc.
utm_termintegerSpecific ad keywords used in a campaign
utm_contentintegerThe exact variation of the same link that the user used to register

* These fields will be returned only if they are enabled within that particular webinar configuration settings

Example CURL request

curl --data “api_key=demokey&webinar_id=556&schedule_id=903” https://api.webinarjam.com/webinarjam/registrants 

Example return

WebinarJam API return response