Release Notes - WebinarJam & EverWebinar

Product Key: WJ = specific to WebinarJam, EW = specific to EverWebinar, WJEW = applies to both services.


  • [Notifications]We’ve added a helpful safety lock for SMS and phone call reminders. If you haven't connected an SMS service like Twilio yet, you’ll no longer be able to set up SMS or voice call reminders for your webinars. This way, you won’t accidentally set reminders that can’t be delivered. (718 WJEW)
    • Did you know? Sending webinar reminders via SMS can significantly boost last-minute attendance compared to email notifications. Text messages have a much higher and more immediate open rate! Learn how to integrate Twilio to start sending SMS reminders for your webinars.


  • [Attendee chat] Keep every word of your webinar chat history! We improved the way we process chat logs after a webinar to ensure that no message is left behind. (2259 WJEW)
  • [AI agenda] The “limit reached” message was showing up incorrectly for the AI Agenda tool. We’ve fixed that, so you can get back to planning your events with ease! (2256 WJ)
    • Have you tried WebinarJam’s AI Agenda? Use it to define key aspects of your audience, topic, and persona, and get a full outline for your next event, complete with recommended timing to keep you on pace. Learn more.
  • [Registration embed] Your custom page designs are safe! We fixed a conflict that happened when two registration elements (like a button and an embedded bar) were added to the same external registration page. Now, you can confidently use more than one call to action without any hiccups. (2151 WJEW)
  • [Live room] Total registrants count is now shown in the attendees panel to presenters before they go live in the webinar room. A display issue was causing the registration count to show as zero even when there were registrants. (2139 WJ)
    • Take a look: Enter the live room as a presenter and open the Attendees panel to see how many people are live in the room out of the total registered.
  • [Attendee chat] We’ve made sure your messages reach everyone! There was an issue where messages sent to “Everyone” by moderators weren’t getting through if attendees had their chat set to admin only. Now, all your important messages will be delivered as intended. (2138 WJ)
  • [Live room] We heard reports that attendees who raised a hand and were promoted to presenter couldn’t see any media shown in the webinar (slide presentations, video, etc.). We fixed it! Everyone in the room now has equal visibility. (1355, 1820 WJ)
    • Let your attendees speak! During a live webinar, you can turn on the option for your attendees to raise their hands and request to speak on camera. If you accept, they can join you as a spotlight presenter and leave again when they’re done. Learn more about permissions in the live room.
  • [Attendee chat] Chat just got smoother! We fixed an issue in Chrome and Firefox where the chat auto-scroll in EverWebinar wasn’t working correctly. Now, it will always show the most recent message, except when you’ve scrolled back to view older chats. (2002 EW)
  • [Integrations] We cleaned up our auto-responder integration rules to prevent them from running multiple times if someone registers for the same event more than once with the same email address. (2067 WJEW)
  • [Chat import] We fixed an issue that sometimes caused the chat history to be missing or incomplete when reusing a WebinarJam session in EverWebinar or cloning an EverWebinar event. Now, the chat history will fully available in every webinar! (2075 EW)