This article is for WebinarJam.

Add video injections into a webinar to cut seamlessly from the presenters speaking to pre-recorded video playback. This is useful for inserting short video clips or to create a "hybrid" webinar experience. Hybrid webinars combine a pre-recorded presentation with a live segment such as a custom introduction or a Q&A session at the end.

Go to the Live step of the webinar configuration:

  1. Open Video injections and click Add new video
  2. Add a name for your reference (you will see this in the live room)
  3. Add the video source URL
  4. Save the video injection window and click Confirm to continue the webinar setup

Saved video injections are available to deploy inside the live webinar room.

Note: Compatible video sources are hosted MP4 files, YouTube, or Vimeo. Hosts like Wistia or Dropbox that do not provide an MP4 file link will not work for this function.

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