This article is for WebinarJam and EverWebinar.

Send the Replay

Replay recordings can be shared in two ways:

  • Automatically in a post-webinar notification email
  • Manually by sharing a link to the replay room
    • Follow the steps in this article to get a link to a replay recording for each webinar session.

Get WebinarJam Replay

Replay recordings are generated after each live session. After the broadcast, allow up to the full duration of the session for the recording to complete and become available.

In WebinarJam > Webinars:

  1. Click Your links > Replay Replay access link and download
  2. Select a session from the drop-down to display the replay page link and download button.
    • Note: A second dropdown appears if there are multiple recordings associated with the same session. Review the start time and duration for each recording and select the one you want to download.
    • Click the download icon to save an MP4 video file to your computer
      • Note: If the video loads in your browser window instead of downloading, right-click on the player and save the file to your computer.
    • Click the right-arrow icon to go directly to the replay page

The download button is grey if the recording is still being processed or if the webinar session never went live.

Pro tip

Download the chat log and see other activities like poll or survey results from a past webinar session in the event Log. Read more about these options in Session logs and feedback

Get EverWebinar Replay

EverWebinar automated events broadcast a pre-recorded source video, which means that a "replay" is always available.

In EverWebinar > Webinars:

  1. Click Your links > Replay
  2. Select a session from the drop-down (on-demand sessions like Just-in-Time or Instant Replay will not appear)
    1. Copy the link to the replay page to share
    2. Click the download button to save a copy of the webinar source video